Customizable and robust Discord bot created to handle polls with user submission. Written in Python, powered by and MongoDB.

Bot Invite Link



How to Use:

Normal Use:

  1. Create your poll with the command +newpoll <poll name> <option 1> ... <option n> (inputs are separated by quotes).
    • example: +createpoll "Favorite Color" "Red" "Green" "Blue"
    • optional: set the amount of votes users can cast with +setvotelimit <vote limit>, default is 1 vote per user.
  2. Once votes are cast, use the command +closepoll to end voting and output the poll results.

With User Submission:

  1. Create and name your poll with +newpoll groupinput <poll name>.
    • optional: use +setsubmitlimit <limit> and/or +setvotelimit <limit> to control how many times users can submit to and vote on the created poll.
  2. Users can now submit poll options with +submit <submission>.
  3. Once submissions are received, generate and open the poll to voting with +openpoll
  4. Once all votes are cast, use +closepoll to end voting and output the poll results.
  5. Now use +deletepoll to delete the closed poll.
    • optional: rather than delete the poll, you can instead continue submissions of poll options and/or do another round of vote collecting later.


Group Poll:

Member Commands:

Admin/Manager Commands:
